Terms & Conditions


These terms of use govern your use and access to our website and services, our notifications, and any information or content appearing therein (collectively our “Website”, "SCENTATION SHOP"). By using our Website, you agree to these terms regardless of whether you are a customer or a visitor.


You should also read our Privacy Policy, Returns & Refunds, Order Process, Shipping, and Ship Perfume Gifts, which sets out how we collect and use your personal information, and how we provide services to you. This Terms of Use should also cover the use of our Catalog sub-site.


By placing an order with us, you are deemed to be read, understood, and accepted our Terms of use, including privacy policy and other information that we published on this Website.



SCENTATION SHOP is a business registered under ACRA in Singapore, we are purely operated online without any physical outlets. For any questions or problems relating to our Website, our products or services, or these terms, you can contact us by submitting an online form to us.




We may amend these terms from time to time by posting the updated terms on our Website without notifying you. Your use of our Website or access any contents published in our entire Website, indicates your acknowledgment and agreement to these revised Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy and other contents published on our entire Website.




We are constantly changing and improving our Website and the products or services we provide. We may from time to time change or discontinue any of the products or services we offer, or add or remove functionalities or features, and we may suspend or stop certain products, services, functionalities, or features altogether. We discontinue certain products, services, functionalities, or features, without advance notice to you.




  • Product Guarantees: SCENTATION SHOP guarantees all the products we sell are 100% authentic and original, with strictly no imitations or counterfeits!
  • Shipping Guarantees: All orders that accepted by SCENTATION SHOP, are 100% shipping guaranteed with tracking number and tracking website provided. Incomplete orders are excepted.
  • Free Replacement and Refund Guarantees: All orders you placed with SCENTATION SHOP, are guaranteed with our Returns and Refunds policy.
  • No Hidden Fees Guarantees: In addition to the product cost, shipping, and taxes we may collect in an order you place, we promise you won't have any other hidden fees with your order.




  • All intellectual property rights subsisting on this Website or the products or services we provide belong to us, our supplier, or the respective brand's owners. All rights under applicable laws are hereby reserved. 
  • We hold the property rights on our name “SCENTATION SHOP” and our logo, and may not be used without our express prior written consent. 
  • SCENTATION SHOP reserves the right to decline an order at any time and for any reason, this may include but not limited to unclear, inaccurate, missing, or uncontactable information you provided in your order. All products are subjected to supply and shipping availability, and your national customs regulations and restrictions. 




For affiliates or promotion partners, we welcome your creative and unique ideas to promote our Website. You are granted from us, the right to use our name, or coupon codes we provide to you legally and in proper manner. We reserve the right to terminate the relationship if we find our affiliates or promoters against or breach our Terms of Use. Your credits recorded from us, may become void.


You are NOT allowed to do the following:

  • Using our shop name or logo in your email marketing messages to your followers;
  • You claim that you are a staff of our shop, or a representative of a brand that we sell;
  • You make inaccurate, exaggerated, false, and misleading statements in order to direct consumers to this Website;
  • You claim that you can collect orders on our behalf, or collect buyers' information and place orders for buyers;
  • You altered and used our promotional materials to promote others;
  • You alter the coupon codes that we provided to you;
  • Any other behavior that may cause consumers to feel deceived or misled.

As an affiliate or promotion partner to SCENTATION SHOP, you are strictly responsible for all your activities and accept all possible legal obligations and liabilities.




We promote our Website and conduct marketing activities in a manner that is as close to the facts as possible and avoid exaggerated, misleading, or untrue behavior as much as possible.

We sincerely apologize to you in advance, if any relevant promotion behavior on this Website causes you to feel misled or deceived. Any marketing activity has an expiration date. When you find our marketing notices on social media, our relevant marketing activities may have stopped or replaced by a new promotion events.


Our marketing activities are not mandatory and you have the right to make judgments and choices. When you order from our promotions, you are deemed to be aware of and affirm all of our Website guidelines. Therefore, if you have any regrets about your order, it cannot be returned, exchanged, or refunded, except for damaged or wrong item received (please read Returns & Refunds), and we have no legal obligation to bear this responsibility.


If your regret are caused by our affiliates or marketing partners, we cannot accept any legal responsibility! They are not our employees, have no employment relationship with this Website, and do not directly follow our instructions, so we cannot be held responsible for any incorrect behavior on their part, but we do have promotional guidelines for them, please see the section: AFFILIATES AND PROMOTION PARTNERS above.




  1. We provide the Website and any products or services we offer on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and your access to or use of our Website is at your own risk;
  2. If consumers cause physical, mental, or financial damage and loss due to improper use, we will not be responsible for any legal responsibility. Please read our advise on safety use of perfumeWe are a reseller, not the brand owner or manufacturer. If you find any potential shortcomings in the product that may cause harm, please report it directly to the brand owner or manufacturer. You are welcome to cc a copy to us for consideration;
  3. We do not guarantee that the information or content you find on the Website is always accurate, complete, and up-to-date; The product prices may updated from time to time, if necessary;
  4. We disclaim any liability and assume any legal obligations for our affiliates and promotion partners;
  5. We are not responsible for any delay or disruption in our Website or any defect, viruses, bugs or errors.




Our Website is not intended for and may not be used by minors. By using our Website, you represent that you are an adult and that you are able to legally enter into contractual agreements.




You agree to indemnify and hold SCENTATION SHOP harmless from and against all liabilities, damages, claims, costs (including legal fees and costs), and expenses in connection with or arising from (i) your breach of these terms, (ii) your use of our Platform and/or (iii) any misrepresentation made by you.


You also agree to fully cooperate with us in the defense or settlement of any claim in relation to or arising out of our Website or these terms.



These terms will continue to apply until terminated by either you or us as follows. You may stop using the Website at any time If you disagree to be bound by and comply to all the terms published on this Website.


We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our Website, or reject your order if we reasonably believe:

  • you are in serious or repeated breach of these terms (including a prolonged failure to settle any payment);
  • you are using the Website in a manner that would cause a real risk of harm or loss to us, other users, or the public;
  • you are intended to make a fraudulent order with this Website.


Where we consider necessary or appropriate, we will report any breach of these terms (or the Acceptable Use Policy) to law enforcement authorities and we will cooperate with such authorities by disclosing your identity and providing any information about you within our systems to them.



These terms constitute the entire agreement between any user and us in relation to the use of or any transactions on the Platform. These terms supersede and extinguish all other agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between any user and us, whether written or oral, in relation to the use of or any transactions on the Platform.


You acknowledge that you will have no remedies in respect of any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these terms.



If you have any questions about these terms or the Acceptable Use Policy, please contact us via our online form.



In case of discrepancies between the English and other language versions of these terms, the English version shall prevail.




As part of the terms of use, you agree not to misuse the Website or help anyone else to do so. For example, you agree not to do any of the following in connection with the Website:

  • use our Website for unlawful or unauthorized purposes;
  • re-sell or attempt to benefit commercially from any data, content, or information available on the Website;
  • probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system or network;
  • breach or otherwise circumvent any security or authentication measures or service use limits;
  • access, tamper with, or use non-public areas or parts of the Website;
  • send altered, deceptive, or false source-identifying information, including "spoofing" or "phishing";
  • conduct surveys, contests, or pyramid schemes, or promote or advertise products or services without appropriate authorization;
  • abuse referrals or promotions;
  • violate the letter or spirit of our terms of use;
  • violate applicable laws or regulations in any way; or
  • violate the privacy or infringe the rights of others.


Last updated: 16 July 2024