Safety Knowledge When Using Perfume

Perfume contains alcohol and is therefore flammable, you must carefully consider this factor when using, storing, and carrying:


1. When using perfume, do remember not to spray perfume near flames, gas, cigarettes, or in high-temperature and poorly-ventilated environments. This may cause a high risk of fire!
2. Similarly, when storing perfume at home, you should also consider these factors. Keep your perfume away from high temperatures, open flames, gas, or direct sunlight. Perfume should be stored in a cool place. 
3. When carrying perfume outdoors, be sure not to leave it in a sealed, high-temperature, and poorly ventilated vehicle. This is especially important when your car is parked and the air conditioning is turned off, as the heat inside the car can increase significantly on extremely hot days, posing a potential danger.

4. Always keep it away from children.


Understand the possible harm of perfume to the human body:


1. When wearing perfume, you should avoid spraying it directly on your eyes, nose, and mouth, which may cause allergies and be harmful.

2. You should also avoid spraying it on a large area of ​​​​the skin. When the perfume comes into contact with sunlight, it may produce chemical effects, which can also cause allergic reactions and erythema.

3. People with allergic asthma, dermatitis, pregnant women, or nursing mothers should not use it.

4. Always keep it away from children.